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Conference Publications
International Conferences
- Mohanlal P.P and Sethunadh. R, “Virtual Instrument based Dynamic Balancing System for Rockets and Payloads”, IEEE International Conference on Automated test systems, (AUTOTESCON-2007) Sept 17-20, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp 291-296.
- Mohanlal P.P, A. Abdul Shukkoor, B.C. Vidwani and P.S. Veeraraghavan, “Hybrid Navigation System for GNC of Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE) : Development and Flight Performance”, 7th International Conference, Navigation and Control Systems (GNC 2008), Ireland, June 2-5, 2008.
- Mohanlal P.P, A. Abdul Shukkoor, S. Syamala and B.C. Vidwani, “Scheduled Gain EKF for Data Fusion for re-entry Navigation”, IEEE International Conference on Avionics Systems (ICAS 2008), Hyderabad, Feb 22nd & 23rd, 2008.
- Mohanlal P.P, M.R Kaimal and Dasgupta S,“Exact Fuzzy Modeling and Optimal Control of a Launch Vehicle in the Atmospheric Phase”, Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec 2-5, 2002, Singapore, pp 1275-1280.
- Mohanlal P.P and M.R Kaimal,“ Exact Fuzzy Modeling and Optimal Control of the Inverted Pendulum on Cart”, Proceedings of the 41st International IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, Dec 10-13, 2002, pp 3255-3260.
- Mohanlal P.P and M.R Kaimal,“Exact Fuzzy Modeling and Optimal Control of a Class of Second Order Nonlinear Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Fuzzy System Conference (IEEE-FUZZ2004), Budapest, Hungary, July 2004, pp 611-616.
- Mohanlal P.P and M.R Kaimal,“Design of Optimal Fuzzy Observers based on TS Fuzzy Model”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE-FUZZ 2004, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004, pp 605-610.
- Mohanlal P.P., Jaya G Nair et al,“Design of a Re-configurable and self- contained Automated checkout system”, presented at IEEE international conference on Measurement & Control in robotics (ISMCR-08) at Bangalore , Sept 2008.
National Conferences
- Mohanlal P.P, Harishankar M, Dasgupta S, "Neural Adaptive Control for Launch Vehicle Auto-Pilot”, Proceedings of the National Workshop on Neuro- Fuzzy Control Systems, Jan 1997, Thiruvananthapuram, pp 55-72.
- Mohanlal P.P, Uma Syamkumar, Dasgupta S, “Performance Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems using Neural Networks”, Proceedings of the National workshop on Neural Networks and Cognitive Systems, CUSAT, Cochin, 23rd to 25th Sept 1998, pp 5-10.
- Mohanlal P.P, Rekha Sebastian, Dasgupta S, “Non-linear System Identification using Neural Networks”, Proceedings of the National Workshop on Neural Networks and Cognitive Systems, CUSAT, Cochin, 23rd to 25th Sept 1998, pp 79-83.
- Mohanlal P.P and Dasgupta S,“Harmonic Elimination in PWM Inverters using Neural Networks”, 21st National System Conference, Jan 23rd to 24th, pp 224-229, 1997.
- Malini.G, P.P. Mohanlal, R. Harikumar, “Error Compensation of Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope Under Vibration Environment”, proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Technological Trends, 25 to 26th November 2005.
- Mohanlal P.P., et al “INS checkout system: realization as a real-time system”: presented at ISRO-DOS workshop on computer & Information Technology (WCIT-08) in Dec 2008.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Checkout system for Aircraft testing of GAINS: design decisions and lessons learnt”: presented at ISRO-DOS workshop on computer & Information Technology (WCIT-08) in Dec 2008.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “RESINS Checkout system software: Mapping requirements to Design features”: presented at ISRO-DOS workshop on computer & Information Technology (WCIT-08) in Dec 2008.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Atom Interferometer Gyro”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011.Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “In-Flight Sensor Calibration And Advanced Fault- Tolerant Scheme For Inertial Navigation ForExtended Duration Missions”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011, Thiruvanthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Advanced Fusion Techniques For High Accuracy Navigation”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011. Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “GNSS Signal Utilization And Augmentation For A LunarMission Navigation”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011. Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Vision Integrated Inertial Navigation System”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Challenges in Navigation System design for Lunar Soft Landing”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems:Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011., Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Challenges And Technologies In Navigation For Rendezvous And Docking”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011, Thiruvanthapuram, India.
- Mohanlal P.P. et al, “Precision Inertial Navigation System: Challenges for Future”, Conference on Space Transportation Systems:Opportunities and Challenges, Dec 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- “Ground Simulation Techniques for Performance Evaluation of High Dynamics GPS Receiver for Launch Vehicle Applications”: KS Sandhya, Harikumar Ganesan, K Karthikeyan, S Syamala, S Hemachandran, A Abdul Shukkoor, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “Indigenous Fault Tolerant Navigation Processing Electronics for Launch Vehicle Applications”: Renjis Mathew, Anwar K Backer, Deepa Sara John, KM Surya, B Venkataramana, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “GPS/INS/RA Data Fusion for Precise Altitude Estimation in Re-entry and Landing Missions”: K Kesavabrahmaji, KS Sandhya, Arun Zachariah, S Syamala, A Abdul Shukkoor, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “GPS Aided INS System Performance under Slowly Varying GPS Error Conditions”: A Flight Simulation Case Study: Harikumar Ganesan, K Karthikeyan, S Syamala, C Radhakrishna Pillai, S Hemachandran, A Abdul Shukkoor, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “A Novel, Processing Efficient Failure Detection and Isolation Scheme for Triad-Hexad Configuration of Inertial Sensors”: VS Vinoj, VN Radhika, K Kesavabrahmaji, S Syamala, A Abdul Shukkoor, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “Extended Kalman Filter based INS/GNSS Integration for Launch Vehicle Navigation”: Merin Mary Thomas, Kesavabrahmaji Karuturi, S Syamala, A Abdul Shukkoor, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “Miniaturized Redundant Sensor Electronics for Inertial Navigation System for Launch Vehicles”: P Rajesh George, CK Deepthy, M Mary Jermila, KP Raghunath, K Anitha, K Jawaharji, G Nithin Dev, N Aparna Vishnu, B Venkataramana, V Devarajulu, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore.
- “Sensor based Rate Measurement Package for Control Applications”: S Sreejith, P Umadevi, J Krishnakumar, PP Mohanlal; National Conference on Applications & Challenges in Space Based Navigation during 17-18 April, 2013 at Bangalore
- “Thermal Management Of Launch Vehicle Inertial Navigation Package for ISRO’S Mars Mission”; Rishi Padmanabhan, Ullekh Pandey, T. V. Radhakrishnan, M. J. Chacko, J. Krishnakumar and P. P. Mohan Lal. Proceedings of the 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference IHMTC2015 17- 20 December, 2015, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- “Qualification of high dynamics GPS receiver for space borne application”,Hemachandran S, Harikumar G, Mahendramurali L G, Baskaran M, Abdul Shukkoor A, Mohanlal P P, , Poster presented at ISRO-DOS workshop on computer and information technology (WCIT-08), VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram, 2008